Vermont Nature Trail

The Vermont Nature Trail takes you through lush rainforest with an amazing variety of tropical flora, ending up with beautiful scenery and a chance to see the famous St. Vincent Parrot in its natural habitat. Majestic cliffs reach for the sky, giving way to sweeping valleys. Ambient temperatures and abundant rainfall give rise to profusion in the growth of vegetation. The trail is in the picturesque Buccament valley within the St. Vincent Parrot Reserve and the more encompassing proposed Central Forest Reserve.

Vermont Nature TrailThe trail is approximately 2 miles (3.5 km) long, and winds through lush primary and secondary rainforest and plantations, offering visitors breath-taking panoramic views of the surrounding landscape and close-ups of the country’s endemic flora and fauna. The trail ascends to the lookout and offers great hiking for all ages and abilities.

Opening hours: 9:00am – 5:00pm

Facility User Fees:

Non-Nationals: US$5.00   Nationals: EC$5.00

Distance from Kingstown: 9 miles (14 km) - approximately 30 minutes

Facilities: Kiosk, gift shop, washrooms, visitors centre and benches along the trail



Sightings of the rare St. Vincent Parrot are practically guaranteed. Listen for their unmistakable calls and then look out from the view point as they fly above the forest canopy in front of you. The Vermont Nature Trails are awash with a wide array of plants, birdlife and other fauna. Floral species of note include the Santinay Sloanea caribeae, Gommier Dacroydes excelsa, Pigeon berry Byrsonima trinitensis, and the endemics: Gri-gri Palm Aiphanes vincentii, Begonia rotundifolia, the epiphytic Peperomia cuneata and P. vincentinum and the Giant Tree fern Cyathea tenera. Blue mahoe Hibiscus elatus, Caribbean Pine Pinus caribae var. hondurensis and Galba caloyphyllum antilannum are the main plantation species.

Designated by BirdLife International as an Important Bird Area (IBA) in the Caribbean, the Trail supports populations of rainforest bird species including the vulnerable St. Vincent Parrot Amazona giuldingii, thethreatened Whistling warbler Cathropeza bishop, the threatened endemic race of House Wren Troglodytes aedon musica, the Purple-throated Carib Eulampis juglaris, Common Black hawk buteogallus anthracinus, and the Mountain dove Geotrygon Montana. Reptilian species include the endemic lizard Anolis griseus and the regionally endemic congo snake Mastigodyryas brusei. The Agouti Dasyproctor agouti and Oppossum Marsupialis insularis are among the mammalian species in the reserve.

The site is managed by the Buccament Development Organisation. Download the  site rules.

Vermont Nature Trail